An Overview of Basic Mand Training Procedures
Let’s look at the steps that are basic to the mand training process.
Mand Training in a Nutshell
- Identify strong motivators
- Select response form child will use to mand
- Pair staff with delivery of reinforcement
- Teach when motivation is strong (MO)
- Pair delivery of reinforcement with mand form (vocal word and sign)
- Prompt child to use mand form
- Fade prompts so the mand is spontaneous
- Teach appropriate sequence of mand forms
- Use data based decision making to adjust mand programming
An Example of the Steps in Mand Training for an Early Learner
- Establish Motivation: Teacher presents student with a sit and spin (contrives MO: spins it, etc.)
- Pair: Teacher delivers reinforcer with model (pairing trial)
- Prompt: Teacher pauses (time delay), prompts sign for spin, delivers spin
- Fades Prompts: Teacher again pauses (time delay), student signs spin, delivers spin
An Example of Use of a Transitive Motivative Operation to Teach A Mand to A Vocal Student
Day 1
- Establish Motivation: teacher tells student time to watch Dora (or some such show)
- Prompt: holds remote control says “ask for the remote.”; student says, “remote, please”
Day 2
- Establish Motivation: teacher tells student it is Dora time.
- Prompt: holds remote, no verbal prompt; student asks for remote (teacher not holding it, out of sight)
Day 3
- Establish Motivation: teacher tells student time to watch Dora
- No remote present, no verbal prompt; student asks for the remote