Title slide and announcer voice say "On the other hand... Having enough of something to eat or drink leads to satiation. Satiation has an abolishing effect on reinforcer value. This means that the person will be less likely to do things to obtain that reinforcer." Announcer says " Lets see some examples of this phenomenon". Video begins with a woman and child a table. The woman is holding a pitcher of water. The child says "I'm thirsty. Can I have some water?" The woman pours a cup of water for the child and hands it to her. The child drinks the water. On screen text says "Drinking lots of water leads to satiation and reduces the value of water..." In the meantime the child has asked for more water several times and the woman has given it to her. On screen text says "Then the person is less likely to ask for water." Again the video has continued to show the woman pouring and handing a cup of water to the child. Finally the child says "No more water" when the woman tried to hand her a cup of water.