Title slide reads "Using Time Delay Procedures for Prompting Mands". Video begins with a teacher and a student sitting a table facing each other. The teacher is holding out her hand with an edible goldfish in it. On screen text reads "Check for MO and pair mand form with delivery of reinforcer...". The student raises his hand to take the goldfish. The teacher waves her other hand like a fish and lets the student take it, while saying "fish several times.
On screen text reads "prompt mand with "0" second delay and reinforce response...". The teacher holds out her hand with the goldfish in it and the student raises his hand to take the goldfish. The teacher says "Fish" and the student makes a waving motion with his hand. The teacher says "Fish", makes the same waving motion and lets the student take the goldfish.
On screen text reads "represent item with time delay and differentially reinforce response". The teacher holds out her hand with the goldfish in it and the student makes the waving motion with his hand. The teacher says "Fish" several times while letting the student take the goldfish and making the waving motion with her hand.