CHILD: Cop. TEACHER: Car. CHILD: Car. TEACHER: Car. Yewww. CHILD: Car. TEACHER: Car. Car. Car. Car. Car. Car. Car. There's a car.
Title slide reads "Correction procedure for vocal topographical error". Video begins with a teacher and a student sitting at a table facing each other. The teacher is holding a toy car in her hand and the student says "Car". The teacher looks away and puts her hand up to stop the student from speaking and moves the car below the table. On screen text reads "Student emits wrong vocal response. Teacher removes item, pauses...". The teacher then pulls the car back on to the table and says "Car". The student repeats her and the teacher says "Car" again while playing with the toy. On screen text reads "Represents with immediate prompt". The teacher then holds up the toy. The student says "Car" and the teacher repeats him while rolling the toy car on the table and onto the students hand which prompts laughter from the student.
Video fades to black. Title slide reads "Correction procedure for signed topographical error". Video begins with a teacher and a student sitting at a table facing each other. The teacher is holding a toy car in her hand and the student starts signing. On screen text reads "Student emits wrong signed response". The teacher puts the car on her lap below the table and stops the student from signing. On screen text reads "Teacher removes item and pauses...". The teacher then shows the student the correct sign for car and says "Car". On screen text reads "then represents with immediate prompt." The student uses the correct sign for car and the teacher begins rolling the car on the table saying "car" several times. The teacher then holds up the car in front of the student and waits. The student signs car and the teacher says "Car" several times and hands the toy car to the student.