Table of Contents
Download the Mand Guidebook- Introduction and Overview
- Purpose
- Overview of Mand Training
- What is a mand?
- The Operant Analysis
- The Verbal Operants and Some Related Operant Behaviors
- The Mand: A More Detailed Description
- Motivative Operations
- Unlearned or Unconditioned Motivative Operations
- Learned or Conditioned Motivative Operations
- Discriminative Stimuli and Motivative Operations
- Motivative Operations and the Mand
- The Benefits of Mand Training
- Teaching Skills Needed for Effective Mand Training
- An Overview of Basic Mand Training Procedures
- Identify Strong Reinforcers
- Conducting a Preference Assessment
- Preference interview and checklist
- Observation
- Formal Stimulus Preference Assessments
- Conditioning New Reinforcers
- Selecting the Response Form
- Pairing Social Interactions with the Delivery of Reinforcement
- Teaching the First Few Mands
- Selecting Targets for Mand Training
- Steps in Teaching a Specific Mand
- Prompt Procedures
- Possible Hierarchy for Prompts: Vocal Mands
- Possible Hierarchy for Prompts: Signed Mands
- Some Considerations in Prompting the First Mands
- Mand Transfer Trials as a Time Delay Process
- Error Correction and Reducing Scrolled Responses
- When to Do Mand Training
- The Importance of Interspersing Mand Trials
- Preparing the Environment for Mand Training
- Establishing a Broad Mand Repertoire
- Instructional Considerations Regarding Eye Contact and Obtaining an #Audience
- Generalizing Mands across Conditions, People, and Exemplars
- Specific Protocols for Extending the Mand Repertoire
- Extending the Mand Repertoire: Skill Sequence
- Peer To Peer Manding
- Mands for Missing Items
- Development of the Pure Mand
- Mands for Negation
- Teaching Mands for Attention
- Expanding Length of Utterance: A Note on Autoclitics and the Mand
- Multiple Component Mand Protocol
- Mands for Information Protocol
- The Defective Mand: Troubleshooting Mand Training
- Reducing Repetitive/Inappropriate Mands
- Appendix I: Data Systems and Data Forms
- Appendix 2: A Brief Review of Some Conceptual Issues Related to the Mand
- Glossary
- Sign Language Resources
- Some Useful Texts in the Study of Applied Behavior Analysis
- References